This section is a sort of an on going blog. I will add bits of knowledge, tips, & tricks for keeping each species happy to their page semi regularly. Check out the current pages, more to follow... 

Yes fish, reptiles, hamsters, lizards can enjoy, even look forward to interacting with you. 

Dogs= furry toddlers

cats= furry tyrants

lizards= house dinosaurs

fish= friends not food

arachnids= 8 legged freaks

I'm here to educate people about quality of life. Just like you your feather, scaled, & furred companion's need mental, physical & social stimulation. These "blogs" are designed to educate & help new or old owners give their companions the best life possible.
People can survive in a hut with a bed, but it's not an enriched life. The same can be said for simple, naked, enclosures for pets.